Survey Reveals The Ultimate Green Flag A Man Can Have In His Home, According To Women

Almost 30,000 women gave the same answer.

Survey Reveals The Ultimate Green Flag A Man Can Have In His Home, According To Women

Image: WestEnd

A single question was given to thousands: “Women, what things do you notice or look for at a man’s apartment that are green flags?” The answer was singular and resounding.

Relationships are hard, dating is hard, and being single is also very hard. That’s why stories like this — little dating tidbits that could make the difference between a date being a home run or a dead-on-arrival-dud — are worth their weight in gold for those on the dating scene. Especially blokes who, don’t shoot the messenger here, are often a fair bit more useless than their female counterparts when it comes to interior design…

A plucky poster took to the always-lively r/AskReddit forums to pose the following question: “Women, what things do you notice or look for at a man’s apartment that are green flags?” As always, hundreds of responses were returned with each earning themselves thousands of ‘upvotes’ or ‘downvotes’. Rarely, however, do we see the top answers return quite such a singular and cohesive result.

Women, what things do you notice or look for at a man’s apartment that are green flags?
byu/BrokenHarp inAskReddit

Before we get into the meat of it, do you have any guesses as to what the answer might be? With statistics suggesting that there could be more single young men than ever before — compared to prior generations — and that younger people of all shapes and sizes are having less s*x than ever before, you’d be forgiven for assuming that young fellas need all the help they can get.

Drumroll, please: it’s all about the bathroom. if you’ve got two brain cells, you probably won’t be surprised to hear that women generally like things cleaner than you average bloke, but when it comes to the bathroom and everything that happens therein, this only becomes truer and more important for romantic success.

Here was the top reply:

byu/BrokenHarp from discussion

And here was the second, adding a slightly grosser but by no means less important angle to the discussion:

byu/BrokenHarp from discussion

This comment adds yet another detail that many men could do well to learn from; this writer has himself, he shamefully admits, been guilty of the following. If you’re hoping to get someone back to your bedroom, whether you plan for them to stay the night or not, you need to have a clean, dry towel to offer your guest. What they use it for and when is their business, but consider this an absolute necessity.

byu/BrokenHarp from discussion

Going beyond the top few comments, they didn’t all focus on bathroom cleanliness, but 99% of them revolved around either the bathroom or cleanliness beyond it. So, the important take-home message is this: if you are only going to clean up one part of your abode before a date, make sure it’s the bathroom. However, if you have any desire to make a good impression for the long term, you need to clean up all the rooms.

Cleanliness is next to godliness, and godliness, it seems, gets you laid…