The Grim Truth Behind Losing 15% Body Fat In Just 6 Months

Super impressive but not super fun...

The Grim Truth Behind Losing 15% Body Fat In Just 6 Months


Zane Hijazi’s fitness transformation to cut 15% body fat in 6 months reveals the grim reality of the social sacrifices that come with it.

There’s no denying that impressive body transformations are imminently possible; we’ve covered them extensively for years. Even better, you can uncover the tips and tricks to make them a hell of a lot easier by figuring out exactly which aspects of your health and fitness make the dreams become realities.

However, there’s a hard reality lurking behind these transformations that might have you wondering whether getting ripped is really worth the trouble…

Fitness Dreams vs. Social Realities

Men’s Health recently wrote an excellent piece covering the fitness transformation of podcaster Zane Hijazi, whose journey from 25% to 9.7% body fat in just over six months is nothing short of remarkable. Captured in a documentary by Xeela Fitness, the footage showcases a stunning physical change but somewhat overlooks the harsh day-to-day reality of such a transformation which, if we’re being totally honest, can be very gruelling, especially for those who thrive on social interactions.

You won’t be surprised to hear that Hijazi had to make significant lifestyle changes to achieve his goals; this is part and parcel of cutting weight. However, what many people at the start of their journeys fail to consider is how challenging getting ripped can be for your social life, which has to be all but totally sacrificed for the sake of the shred.

Men 'cheersing' over beers.

While fitness journeys are often retrospectively portrayed as a series of disciplined choices and triumphant moments, the reality is that they can be isolating. Hijazi’s experience highlights the tough choices one has to make, such as giving up drinking and avoiding restaurants, all of which can strain social bonds.

Sacrificing Social Pleasures For Fitness Gains

Of course, there are plenty of ways to socialise without your usual vices, especially if you find people on a similarly healthy grind to socialise with. However, it can often set you apart from your old group of friends who may have enjoyed the lifestyle that got you so out of shape in the first place.

However, we don’t want to be biased here: Hijazi openly admits that he found cutting out social drinking relatively straightforward since he didn’t drink a huge amount in the first place. The real challenge lay in resisting the urge to go out to eat, a favourite pastime of his. While Hijazi was able to work around this by always having healthy food prepared to avoid the temptation of dining out, this shift still meant missing out on social gatherings engineered around food.

Zane Hijazi revealing his transformed body at a fitness event.

The psychological impact of such changes can be hard going. Hijazi experienced FOMO (fear of missing out) as his friends continued to enjoy social activities without him. While he ultimately found solace in his fantastic results, he admits that the adjustment period was tough.

The Unseen Struggles Of Maintainance

Even after achieving his fitness goals, Hijazi acknowledges the pressure to maintain his new physique and the challenge of integrating all these short-term habits into his everyday life. For Hijazi, continuing his fitness routine is essential for his mental well-being, helping with anxiety, depression, and overall performance.

Rob McElhenney's body after his fitness transformation.

Interestingly, another celebrity who underwent a similar transformation — Rob McElhenney — summarises the difficulties that come with such a transformation. “Anyone on the planet can [transform themselves]”, he says, with lashings of irony…

“First things first, if you have a job, like a 9 to 5 job, – quit that. Now do you like food? Forget about that because you’re never gonna enjoy anything you eat. Alcohol? Sorry that’s out.”

Rob McElhenney

He goes on to joke that he could easily get his ripped six-pack back any time, all it takes is ‘three to four months of starving [yourself]”.

Hijazi’s journey is a testament to what is possible with dedication and support, but it also serves as a reminder that the path to such transformation is not easy. It’s a constant battle that involves more than just physical changes…